
Big vocabulary? Feed people with your knowledge!

Check it out: FreeRice
For every word you correctly guess the meaning of, a sponsor donates 10 grains of rice. It sounds piddily, but it's fun. With folks like me, who are into words/definitions - it's a fun little game with serious results. Learn vocabulary for free while you are at it!!!

I donated 600 grains of rice before I finished. (Level 40)

What's your score??


  1. Thank you for the link. I love word stuff. I donated 780 grains. I got to level 41 but would go back to 40 when I missed a word.

  2. Yay!

    It's so much fun, isn't it? Thanks for trying it. I still wonder how much rice is actually being donated. (Y'know, like 10 lb bag, etc., and to whom.)
    But, it's all good - I enjoy it.
