This morning, as I sat at the helm of my revived virtual world, I glanced over at the window and saw my ravaged geranium bonsai, now in full bloom, backlit by the sun.
I captured the moment and... Wait, a short backstory is in order.
Recently, the unexpected happened.
I met someone interesting.
In between my mundane activities and stretches of boredom, this person reached out across the miles to make herself known to me and put a spark of anticipation into my days. I didn't realize at first (how could I?) that this person might turn out to be a New Friend.
People (especially online) tend to be passing through, reacting to one blip of your signal with perhaps a return beep, then moving on to other things. Blipping and beeping, texting and tweeting - it's a fickle wwworld, with lots of dry, shifting dunes stretching between oases.
She commented.
I commented.
We commented. We dug deeper and commented more.
We followed and made stalking jokes.
I felt inspired to do some writing, perhaps something creative.
We emailed. We shared.
Inspiration was courting, creativity sat by my side.
We chatted. We told secrets.
For Hours.
We talk about possible trips to meet In Person.
Where is it all leading? Who knows!
But so far, I'm enjoying every moment.
This morning, as I sat at the helm of my revived virtual world, I glanced over at the window and saw my ravaged geranium bonsai, now in full bloom, backlit by the sun.
I captured the moment and am now dedicating this moment to her.
And yes, I'm feeling bit silly, a tad self-conscious - but what the hell?
Carpe diem.
This person is very lucky ... imagine! A blog dedicated to her. I've never had someone dedicate something to me... it must be wonderful. I bet it moved her to tears. I can imagine that she might have turned away from the computer for a moment or two, a little bit emotional, a little bit humbled. By the way, how can you describe your geranium as ravaged? It's a thing of beauty!
How exciting! Thanks for sharing your lovely news.